This Step will help you hack a Ragnarok account of your friends. This can also help recover your lost account or account which you can’t remember your passwords. This will only works in our Zeta-Ro server.
Get the Ragnarok account name you want to hack.
make sure you own a Ragnarok account because you need to be able to bypass the server into sending you the victims password to your message board.
There is a secret password that some server uses to send people their passwords if they lose them when Ragnarok first began but they were stupid enough to leave it the same. So while scanning the server I have found it. The code used to send people their password was hard to find but I have found it.
Send a blank email to this server using Yahoo! with your Yahoo! account. Make sure that the subject of the email is this:
Just copy the exact phrase and paste this to your subject.
Send it to here:
After you send the blank email, you will send another email with the codes I will provide. Here is the code that you must email to the address above to confuse the server into sending you the victims password.
The subject must be:
Password Recovery
and in the body of your email this codes should be input and fill it up with the recommended information:
#no.38492$$code"The username of your Ragnarok account"548#
#servident6254code%"The victims Username"153#
#exhack0547code"The Password of your Ragnarok account"3502#
The server must know that you are registered to its database and find the file or the information that you needed.
*Check if all needed information is correct*
Just fill up the required part with sufficient information or else you will be banned for 1 week and will be deducted with points. Repeat the Steps every hour until it works.
and there you have it hacking Ragnarok is easy for you.
***NOTE*** - (you have to be at least level 30 or higher in most of your combat skills).
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